
以下内容来自9月23日美国《新闻周刊》国际版(Newsweek International)编辑Fareed Zakaria(感谢hanwei的提醒)对温家宝总理的采访,英文原文见CNN网站,中文译文来自译言网站(原译者文中有多处“权力”和“权利”的使用错误,我对应英文的power和right作了些更改)。





Zakaria: May I ask you — some Americans and Europeans, particularly human rights observers, say that China has cracked down on human rights over the last few years, that they had been hoping that the Olympics would lead to an opening of China, but that it has, there has been more repression. How would you respond to that?

Wen Jiabao: By hosting the Olympic Games, China has actually become more open. Anyone without biases will see — have seen that. In the freedom of speech and the freedom in news media coverage are guaranteed in China. The Chinese government attaches importance to, and protects, human rights. We have incorporated these lines into the Chinese constitution, and we also implement the stipulation in real earnest. I think for any government, what is most important, is to ensure that its people enjoy each and every right given to them by the constitution.

Including their right to survival, freedom and to pursue their happiness.

We don’t think that we are impeccable in terms of human rights. It is true that in some places and in some areas, we do have problems of this kind or that kind. Nonetheless, we are continuing to make efforts to make improvements, and we want to further improve human rights in our country.

萨:当我在中国的时候,在旅馆里,在电脑中键入“天安门广场”时遇到了防火墙,有些人把它称为“中国的网上长城”(Great Firewall of China)。您认为一个连自由的在互联网上搜索信息都做不到的社会可以称得上是一个进步的社会吗?








Zakaria: When I go to China and I’m in a hotel and I type in the words Tiananmen Square in my computer, I get a firewall, what some people call the Great Firewall of China. Can you be an advanced society if you don’t have freedom of information to find out information on the Internet?

Wen Jiabao: China now has over 200 million Internet users, and the freedom of Internet in China is recognized by many, even from the west. Nonetheless, to uphold state security, China, like many countries in the world, has also imposed some proper restrictions. That is for the safety, that is for the overall safety of the country and for the freedom of the majority of the people.

I can also tell you on the Internet in China, you can have access to a lot of postings that are quite critical about the government.

It is exactly through reading these critical opinions on the Internet that we try to locate problems and further improve our work.

I don’t think a system or a government should fear critical opinions or views. Only by heeding those critical views would it be possible for us to further improve our work and make further progress.

I frequently browse the Internet to learn about a situation.

Zakaria: What are your favorite sites?

Wen Jiabao: I’ve browsed a lot of Internet Web sites.








Zakaria: I will take advantage of your kindness and ask you a question that many people around the world wonder about. There is a very famous photograph of you at Tiananmen square in 1989. What lesson did you take from your experiences in dealing with that problem in 1989?

Wen Jiabao: I believe that while moving ahead with economic reforms, we also need to advance political reforms, as our development is comprehensive in nature, our reform should also be comprehensive.

I think the core of your question is about the development of democracy in China. I believe when it comes to the development of democracy in China, we talk about progress to be made in three areas:

No. 1: We need to gradually improve the democratic election system so that state power will truly belong to the people and state power will be used to serve the people

No. 2: We need to improve the legal system, run the country according to law, and establish the country under the rule of law and we need to view an independent and just judicial system.

No. 3: Government should be subject to oversight by the people and that will ask us, call on us to increase transparency in government affairs and particularly it is also necessary for government to accept oversight by the news media and other parties.

There is also another important aspect that when it comes to development of democracy in China, we need to take into account China’s national conditions, and we need to introduce a system that suits China’s special features, and we need to introduce a gradual approach.








Zakaria: People say you’re studying the Japanese system because there’s democracy but there’s only one party that seems to win the elections. Is that the kind of model you see for China?

Wen Jiabao: I think there are multiple forms of democracy in the world. What is important is the substance of democracy.

Which means that at the end of the day, what is important about democracy is that whether such form of democracy can really represent the calling and interest of the people.

Socialism as I understand it is a system of democracy. Without democracy, there is no socialism.

And such a democracy first and foremost should serve to ensure people’s right to democratic elections, oversight and decision making.

Such a democracy should also help people to fully develop themselves in an all-around way in an environment featuring freedom and equality.

And such a democracy should be based on a full-fledged legal system. Otherwise, there would be chaos. That’s why we need to run the country according to law and ensure that everyone is equal under the law.


《 “如是我闻:9月23日温家宝接受CNN访谈” 》 有 8 条评论

  1. Fareed Zakareer应该是美国《新闻周刊》国际版的编辑,这期新闻周刊的封面也是温总,截取了4页对话,我也同意“听其言,观其行”,可是,我甚至都看不出来那些“政治观察员”解读的“言外之意”……

  2. 不论是政治上、道德上或者智力上,这种对中国老百姓的不信任,都是一种歧视与侮辱。“中国人民的感情受到了伤害。”


  3. 那是什么嗫?

  4. “中国人民的感情受到了伤害。”

  5. 政府的改革不该是只挂在嘴上的装裱,而更该是尽快的切实可行,而这么多年像民生、改革类的问题如今依旧是社会的热题他没有随着某种“倾轧”和转移被隐没,反倒是水涨船高,根本问题就在于政府制定的制度根本没有质的转变,所谓的民主、选举不过是将管理人民的政权最终落到“预料的的到”的少数人的手中,最终还是专制或专政。古往今来的皇权专政发展到如今不过是变成了“共产党专政”,能否改变能否改良已不在我们老百姓的期盼当中,但是有一点,这种政治制度,如果当政的人是一个真的切实为百姓着想的人那么,这个社会的民主民生民权还会一点一点的有所起色,反之不过也是沦为附庸。统一与民主矛盾吗?为什么贫富差距、如今大学生毕业问题等问题越来越重?这是“发展”所带来的必然。只是在这一时期这种矛盾发展成熟所以全部暴露出来。当初的六四事件的震慑力与影响力,不亚于人类历史上任何一次学潮或风波,这件事其实就已经深刻地揭示出政府和制度所隐藏的弊端。然而它却被压的很深,八零后几人知?九零后几人知?但反过来说,“雪藏”就真的能做到密不透风吗?!不可能。相反的,这种方式只会引发更多的见解。人民应当爱国,政府应当爱民,专政可以领导一切,但它绝对领导不了人的意识与看法。或许现在愤青们的见解与提议的作用太微不足道,但不久,矛盾总会随着客观的发展必然发展到一定程度,不知那时,老百姓心目中的民权、民生与民主,将会何去何从。

  6. 好的东西,你不去说不去宣扬,做到之后自然会有人赞许自然会被接纳。但是还没做到或者做得还不够,就被当成夸张宣扬宣传的资料,往脑袋里去灌输这种思想,显然违背了事物发展的客观规律。老百姓的苦只有自己知道,山高皇帝远,很多人很多不平事都还无人问津,政府人员漠不关心,镜头前的笑脸相迎镜头后的判若两人,这些问题这些反抗的声音靠镇压靠沉默靠敷衍,只会让人心更凉,没有根本性的解决只会让矛盾在时间的长河中继续发展。“上面”总是很努力的让我们通过媒体看到他们想让我们看到的样子,然而,我们就算闭着眼睛都知道生活其实始终没有改变。一个人的生活命运能与社会、国家政策制度分的开吗?现如今的“高层”不就是一种社会主义制度下的“垄断”阶级吗,越来越大的贫富差距是社会不公的最严重问题,农民贫民的生活依旧大部分贫苦或者拮据,他们一辈子的花销一辈子的积蓄甚至都赶不上所有富人们的一件晚礼服。而有意思的现象是,很多人好像觉醒之后开始慈善开始捐赠,然而我们所看到的,却仍然是依旧如初。

