Research Proposal怎么写?本BLOG曾有一篇言简意赅的写作指南《怎样写一篇好的research proposal?》下面列出更多指导如何写作Research Proposal的网上资源,从概要式的proposal写作指南,到详尽分步骤解说的research proposal写作模板,希望对你的学术研究有帮助!
下面的Proposal写作资源由University of Massachusetts列出:
Proposal Development Tools
- Art of Writing Proposals (Social Science Research Council)
- Basic Budget Building Tutorial from OGCA
- Basic Elements of Grant Writing from Corporation of Public Broadcasting
- Funding Definitions
- Grant Writing Guide
- Guide for Proposal Writing from the National Science Foundation
- Guide for Writing a Funding Proposal with examples from Michigan State University
- Original How to Write a Grant Application (from NIH/NIAID)
- Proposal Writing – Points of Pride about UMass Amherst
- Proposal Writing Short Course (Foundation Center)
- Short Guide to the Preparation of NIH Grant Applications
- UMass Proposal Submission Procedures
- Successful Proposal Development, for New Faculty presented by Bruce McCandless
Director, Office of Research Affairs
来自密歇根大学的Proposal Writer’s Guide(by Don Thackrey)非常详细,除了写作外,还有做预算等指导,也包括Grant Proposal的写作,而且主要是针对学生之外的教师、研究者,很有参考价值。全文在此,大纲见下:
This Guide is intended for faculty and staff members with little or no experience in writing proposals for sponsored activities.
I. Introduction
II. The Parts of a Proposal
A. Research Proposals The Title Page
The Abstract
The Table of Contents
The Introduction
The Background Section
The Description of Proposed Research
The Description of Relevant Institutional Resources
The List of References
The Personnel Section
The Budget Section
The Appendices B. Proposals for Academic Programs
III. Inquiries to Private Foundations
IV. Dealing with Short Deadlines
V. Why Proposals Are Rejected
下面是University of Wisconsin-Madison给出的有关Grant Proposal写作的参考,按申请资金来源分为三类:所有研究基金proposal、非政府资助proposal、(美国)政府资助proposal(本文从略):
Research Funding Proposals
- All About Grants Tutorials
For biomedical investigators applying for NIH research project grants. Maintained by its National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. - Guide for Writing a Funding Proposal
Written by S. Joseph Levine of Michigan State University. Offers excellent advice on all parts of the proposal. Includes a sample proposal and links to other proposal writing sites. - Proposal Writer’s Guide
An excellent outline by Donald Thackrey for academic faculty and staff. Especially useful. A site maintained by the University of Michigan’s Division of Research and Development Administration. - Proposal Preparation and Submission
A site maintained by the University of Michigan’s Division of Research and Development Administration. - Proposal Writing: Selected Web Sites
Outstanding. Provides essential links for university scholars and researchers needing more than here on research funding in particular.
Non-Governmental Funding Proposals
The following web sites offer excellent guidelines for grant proposal writing. Some include advice on letters of inquiry and sample proposals as well.
- Writing Winning Proposals: An Introduction
Excellent advice from the ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. - Grant Proposal Writing Tips
Some good, clearly-stated tips from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which reviews hundreds of proposals a year. -
Well organized site on proposal writing. Includes an overview, inquiry and cover letters, standard components of a proposal, a sample proposal, advice from funders, and more. An excellent section on researching funding opportunities is included also. - How to Write a Mission Statement
A clear outline by Janet M. Radtke on writing a mission statement for an organization. A site of the Los-Angeles based Grantsmanship Center. (pdf) - National Network of Grantmakers: NNG Common Grant Application
This common grant application form is accepted by a number of foundations. It can also be useful in organizing the information needed in a project proposal. (pdf) - Nonprofit Guides: Grant Writing Tools for Nonprofit Organizations
An excellent grantwriting outline by the SeaCoast Web Design staff. Includes sample grant proposal, inquiry letter, proposed budget, applications and links to grantwriting resources. - The Foundation Center’s Proposal Writing Short Course
Free, online course. - The Foundation Center’s Proposal Budgeting Basics
Free, online course. - Foundation Center Webinars on Proposal Writing Basics
Free; must register in advance. - The Foundation Center’s Guide to Proposal Writing, 5th ed. – An Audio Book!
Free audio book from the Foundation Center. Listen online now or download for later listening. - Sample Grant Proposals
Proposals from the Idea Bank’s Grant Writing Course. Most are successfully funded, and are for funding for fire departments. - School Grants
Offers a number of education-focused, successful, sample proposals. Most are directed to corporate or government funding sources and are downloadable in PDF format. - Winning Grant Proposals Online
Provides funded grant proposals for sale in a variety of categories. Particularly well-stocked with federal grant proposals. A site from the Grantsmanship Center, a Los-Angeles based proposal training center. - Wisconsin Common Application Form (Donors Forum of Wisconsin)
A form used by a variety of Wisconsin grantmakers. - Writing a Successful Grant Proposal
An excellent and thorough guide for writing grant proposals, from the Minnesota Council on Foundations. FAQs include pros and cons of hiring a professional grantwriter and what to do if a proposal is funded.
- The Elements of a Proposal
Frank Pajares, Emory University - Beginners Guide to the Research Proposal
University of Calgary, Manitoba, Canada, The Centre for Advancement of Health - Some Thoughts on Dissertation Proposal Writing
Professor Chris M. Gold, University of Wisconsin-Madison - Writing and Presenting Your Thesis or Dissertation
S. Joseph Levine, Ph.D., Michigan State University - Conceptualizing, Writing, and Revising a Social Science Research Proposal
Institute of International Studies, University of California-Berkeley - SUNY Institute of Technology
State University of New York
This is a PDF and may take several seconds to load. It’s worth the wait. - The Proposal in Qualitative Research
Anthony W. Heath, PhD, Division of Behavioral Sciences, McNeal Family Practice Residency - How To Write A Dissertation: or Bedtime Reading For People Who Do Not Have Time To Sleep
Douglas E. Comer, Purdue University
Note: Even if you’re not writing a dissertation, you’ll find some excellent writing tips in this source. - Resources for Graduate Student Writers
Sweetland Writing Center, University of Michigan - Writing Theses and Dissertations
Claremont Graduate University Writing Center - Teaching the Research Proposal: A Brief Process-Oriented Overview
Writing Center, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona - Dissertation Proposal Writing Tutorial
Elys Ben Salem, University of Kansas - Guidelines & Requirements for NEJS Dissertation Proposals
Brandeis University - The Art of Writing Proposals
Adam Przeworski and Frank Salomon, Social Science Research Council - How to Write a Research Proposal - Resources for Proposal Writers
The Writing Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison
TEMPLATE for an APA-Style Proposal
Nelson L. Eby, in collaboration with Dr. Douglas Degelman, Professor of Psychology,
Vanguard University of Southern California
Template may need modification for your program.
- APA-Style Proposal #1: Intercessory Prayer and Task Performance
Douglas Degelman, Ph.D., and Martin Lorenzo Harris, Ph.D.
Vanguard University of Southern California - APA-Style Proposal #2: Infants’ Perceived Gender and Adolescents’ Ratings
- Douglas Degelman, Ph.D., and Martin Lorenzo Harris, Ph.D.
Vanguard University of Southern California - Dissertation Proposals
University of Maryland, Department of Computer Science - Dissertations in Instructional Systems Technology
Indiana University School of Education
Note: Not in APA style, but content is useful
Proposal Writing Short Course以及它的中文版本:项目建议书在线培训课程。这不是研究计划写作,而是申请资助、捐赠和基金的项目建议书,很有参考价值。
《“How to write a Research Proposal”》 有 1 条评论
[…] 能否写出漂亮的proposal,本质上取决于你对研究的思考深度和专业水准。但形式也很重要。英文的Research Proposal自有一套“八股”。程式化和结构化的好处就在于,可以让读者直接集中注意到最本质的内容上,而不是为形式分神。对于非英语native speaker的我们,如何理解英文学术世界的规范或曰思维定势,也是写作proposal之前必备的背景知识。下面这篇流传甚广的Research Proposal写作指南,言简意赅,颇具启发,对我自己的写作有所帮助,也希望能给更多的学界同仁带来便利。[点击这里,查看更多关于Research Proposal以及Grant Proposal、Project Proposal写作的网上资源] […]