中国电视媒体的Mix and Match


在8月15日的全国哀悼日,全中国的电视媒体播放平台都在转播同样的新闻节目,也就是中国官方媒体连日来进行的灾难报道回顾和动态更新,其中大量内容属于灾害回顾和寄托哀思。而在灾害回顾中,中国的官方媒体和其他许多次灾害报道一样,使用了大量好莱坞电影《勇闯夺命岛》(The Rock)的配乐——齐默(Hans Zimmer)为电影制作的电影音乐,其中舒缓的电影部分,用作灾害事件的情绪铺陈,而电影中拆弹、潜入夺命岛、制服歹徒等快速、紧张段落所用的音乐,用作中国军队和救灾人员进驻的配音。

需要特别提示的是,尼古拉斯凯奇(Nicholas Cage)和肖恩康纳利(Sean Connery)主演的这部影片,在中国具有相当高的认知度,中国官方媒体在此使用这类好莱坞电影音乐,远非第一次,而是多次频繁出现在灾难报道中(而另外一部电影音乐被官方媒体滥用的音乐,就是《辛德勒名单》(Schindler’s List),许多悲情的社会新闻,无论大小,都喜欢使用里面为犹太大屠杀谱写的小提琴音乐,用来表达感伤)。



新闻专题编导的创意——将《生化危机》电影的配乐与中国医院对甲流的诊治的画面组合起来,给我这个熟稔《生化危机》剧情的观众以强烈的认知不和谐。 “生化危机”是一个阴谋论,揭露了政府与垄断性生化研究机构遮天公司联手创造了一种席卷全球的病毒的事实,这种病毒致使大量民众转变成吸血僵尸。这部经典恐怖片/僵尸片的音乐亦十分经典,与这段电影配乐旋律密切联系在一起的,是女主人公瘦削的脸与刚毅的表情,杀戮僵尸后沾染的一身的鲜血,以及成群结队拖着残臂断腿面色铁青包围过来的变异者,以及灰色的天空与末世情怀。





其次,罔顾原初影音的意义和背景,随意进行Mix and Match(混搭),这在美学上或许自有其后现代风格,但从新闻传播的角度来看则是混乱而失败的。对于阅听过所引用的影音的受众,新闻节目或严肃报道想要传达的意义,会因为这些娱乐影音符号的引入,而被部分地消解或颠覆。


《 “中国电视媒体的Mix and Match” 》 有 56 条评论

  1. Again, I’m not sure this kind of critique of mainstream media (gov-censored media) is forceful enough. Copy-right infringement? who cares. is that the real problem?

    mix-and-match as postmodern aesthetic? you crazy? you think this is postmodern move by the producer? obviously you don’t seem to understand what ambiguity/equivocation mean by postmodern interpretations/subversion.

    Is it more simply just the problem there is not enough production of track music? have you looked into this simply explanation before jumping to watered-down supposedly critical stance (that resemble more policing of public discourse)?

  2. 1.侵犯知识产权当然是真问题,大问题,从各种学术不端,到IT业、动漫业乃至服装业的侵权盗版行为,仍是禁之不绝。你觉得与这种轻视知识权的社会风气没有关系?



  3. 游戏《盟军敢死队》的背景乐也经常被CCAV“拿来”

  4. 很有道理。而且哀悼日那天我从邻居家传来的电视声中听到不下20次的小娟的那首《天空之城》吟唱版。


  5. 深表赞同!
    的确,在一些感人的或震撼的场面上,电视台放的音乐简直太多了!从《Kiss the rain》(雨的旋律)到《天空之城》,从《少女的祈祷钢琴版》到《菊次郎的夏天》,从《Schindler’s List》到《加勒比海盗》……尤其是看到战士们坚毅的抗震救灾时,突然响起了《加勒比海盗》里激昂的交响曲,立马浮现德普那张痞痞的帅脸与兰花指,再看看电视中的废墟,突然间就不知道该说什么了…………

  6. 就我所见,请您欣赏中展示中国大好河山的背景音乐全是班得瑞。 另外加勒比海盗的配乐貌似也很流行。

  7. CCTV还有脸去打假吗?这种无知无畏或者是掩耳盗铃般的拿来主义太可怕了,祸害啊祸害。。。

  8. 呵呵,孔庆东说的很有道理啊,所谓三俗真是….

  9. 非常赞赏LZ能提出国内媒体配乐的这个问题。我作为一个正在这个岗位工作的从业者,是想说这个问题其实非常复杂,不单单是涉及到版权与混搭的问题。其一,配乐问题在媒体整个运作当中只是各个环节之中微小甚甚的一部分,不是主流技术岗位。所以从领导方面就不看重配乐的技术环节,从而为这个环节拨资金购买版权音乐也无从而谈。 二之,从受众欣赏方面,当节目文字需要一种音乐迅速快捷的烘托感情要求时,那些耳熟能详且信手捏来的电影配乐自然当首选。其实这也是很无奈的一个选择。国内版权音乐发展缓慢,那些外国公司的版权音乐,大部分都不符合国内媒体需要,而且购买渠道也不明朗。当然版权问题还是最根本的,我如有说的不妥之处,希望继续沟通。

  10. 噗哈哈哈哈哈~~~~
    咳…….那天我还跟BTV听见了miku的甩葱歌= =.
    说实话,CCTV又能怎么办,看看中国的音乐,无论是配乐还是歌曲,不是你哝我哝的假靡靡之音,就是广大农奴们的红歌,有什么悲壮的?谁让中国文化教导我们总是要团圆,要平安,要HAPPY ENDING,于是造就了这么一滩,是吧.摊手.

  11. 《士兵突击》里用的都是《菊次郎的夏天》里的配乐,让我看得很飘忽,眼前常常穿插电影场景……并且,付钱给久石让了吗?

  12. 您说得很有道理。谢谢您从经济和制作流程角度说明了这种现象的某些原因。

  13. 这个就尤其没有道理了,电视剧里直接抄人家的配乐。

  14. 妈的,我还经常在ccav听到《无间道》的《再见警察》,每一次都迫使我想起血淋淋的黄警司躺在变形的计程车顶上,作为一个患有“无间道综合症”的人,我表示鸭梨很大…

  15. 1. yes indeed but I think it’s besides the main point you are trying to raise.
    2. sure but what I’m not sure about is if it’s intentional.and your explanation does not distinguish that (有意”或”无意). The difference is that if you follow traditional epistemology, then you ought to distinguish between conscious and unconscious use. but if you adopt psychoanalytical, genealogical, or ideological critique, the determination of the phenomena as “post-modern” requires more than simply that these producers live in a certain time period. in other words, there’s not much explained here other than calling something “post-modern”. to be sure, I’m not saying I’m against your critical aim (you definitely has admirable critical stance) but I’m just not seeing how your analysis is bringing out more than what is commonly assumed in general understanding.
    3. i think “原创力不足,还是其眼界受限” are related questions. interesting you brought up this 民族音乐或者交响乐 vs. 美国娱乐大片或剧集的素材 kind of polarization. I agree that raising sentiments is an important purpose to which these disasters shorts are made and it’s a medium to which politics of aesthetics and public discourse play out but that’s still not strictly 娱乐化. is sentiment raising equivalent to 娱乐化? I think the answer is “no”, right? this comes back to the question, what do they have in mind when they used the more popularized and unfortunately Hollywood or American New Age music? …not finished but I got to go. so I’ll stop here.

  16. Thanks for exciting comment.

    As a blog entry, this post in order to describe a phenomenon more than to explain and analyze it accurately. That’s why I disappionted you with making some differences blurred, which you believe should be important to understand the phenomenon.

    It’s difficult to distinguish those producers are intentional or not without specific interview or survey. We still can guess. Also, some methods such as psychoanalysis, ideological critique, which you just mentioned, can be apply. However, I should be careful when I use the term “post-morden” to avoid too general usage. I suppose this is one point you try to make and I agree with you.

    Sensational is not equal to entertaining while they are related. Choosing these materials instead of those may because the producers believe these are more sensational,also,(sometimes) more entertaining. In this post, “sensational” is really a more accurate word.

    Thanks again for your critique.

  17. 估计他们请不起专业的配乐师吧,很多节目都是一个策划做到底的,另外是否非营利性的节目是可以用有版权的音乐,比如香港电台《头条新闻》这个节目也用很多新旧歌来做配乐的。

  18. 对于一个缺乏创造力民族来说,想要把一个平凡的东西赋予不平凡的意义,就要倚靠更有创造力的民族所创造出来的东西锦上添花,对着您说的这件事,我觉得对于我们应该是庆幸的,起码媒体为了观感与造势是下了功夫的…没有敷衍,而面对别国一直追究版权问题,而我们自己又要求律己的时候,我们是不是应该想一想,问题根本,我有为什么要拿别人,而我们为什么没有,我们不缺乏头脑创意,但是为什么没人去做?我们前方都有一个共同的老虎屁股是没人敢摸的,那就是自由,而我们都一个意识像钞票一样不能舍去的,就是自我…这两杀手遏制了我们的创造力,所以我觉得才会换来如今的 MADE IN CHINA

  19. 没文化没自我认知的一拨。我指CCTV

  20. 既然不符合国内的媒体需要,怎么还恬不知耻的盗用呢?

  21. 库里(忘了什么公司了,德国的)找的音乐有太大局限性,直接给受众一种脱离现实的感觉。(如今电视台都太没人性Using Mix&Match in 815 special coverage is
    merely a pretentious sham ~ )

  22. 我所说的是版权音乐,俗称罐头音乐,是一种专门针对媒体制作使用的音乐。 而ls说的盗用我理解应该指的楼主说的那些电影配乐吧,这是两个音乐范畴。

  23. 好的东西为何不能拿来共用,一味的排斥又有什么意义,只要“拿来主义”拿的好,那又何妨~ 呵呵…

  24. 哈哈,还有一段是《The Pacific》的片头呢!

  25. 己所不欲,勿施于人。作为行业的老大,榜样,自己都做不到的事情,请不要以最高相关部门的规定来严格要求下面。

  26. I find comment from Unray more useful than the interpretation of the M&M phenomena you gave in the original post. yet it’s interesting you (dis)qualified the comment as coming from an “economic perspective.” Unray already explained that the use of the soundtracks you mentioned is “很无奈的一个选择” and it is structurally determined (from the organizational structure to the process of production itself), not as a consequence of *intentional selecting* a certain type of soundtracks by virtue of the interpretation you gave for identifying or categorizing the type of soundtrack in particular. Unless you can show evidence that the producers actually select according to your categorization and with the causes you attribute (your explanation based on classification of taste and its political motives), then the comment from Unray is counter evidence against your “guess” or simply put, your assumptions. Hence this goes back to the gist of the intention and content of my intervention of your post earlier: are your judgments and causal statements valid? If you firmly theorize based on an interpretive stance, then it follows that it is in your interest to avoid using causal terms such as 因为。。。而被; X推动Y. Or if you want to provide evidence to your hypothesis about the causal statement, then it follows you ought to provide evidence (but of which you said you have done done so). When Unray provides a first-personal evidence, you make the dubious move of simply identifying it as “economic perspective” without further explanation of what it means. All of this, it seems to me, somewhat confused and somewhat irresponsible scholarly and public-critical practice.

  27. “As a blog entry, this post in order to describe a phenomenon more than to explain and analyze it accurately. ”

    – This is invalid. The truth is that your entry also include judgments/evaluation and explanations, not just descriptions:
    [judgment statement]: 身为影响力巨大的媒体,应当在这方面给社会公众做好表率,而不是带头进行“山寨无罪,盗版有理”的活动。
    [judgment and explanation]: 其次,罔顾原初影音的意义和背景,随意进行Mix and Match(混搭),这在美学上或许自有其后现代风格,但从新闻传播的角度来看则是混乱而失败的。对于阅听过所引用的影音的受众,新闻节目或严肃报道想要传达的意义,会因为这些娱乐影音符号的引入,而被部分地消解或颠覆。
    [judgment]: 以及,当山寨成为习惯,混搭成为风气,也就进一步推动着新闻娱乐化、政治娱乐化、一切娱乐化的趋势。这种趋势的危害论者甚众,此处不再多说。

    My point is not trying to be picky. But I think this is the minimal scholarly (as apart from mere opinions) standards that apply to the authority/expertise that you seem to commit to yourself.

  28. 同意。。。但如果向这些音乐付版权费的话,岂不是让中国给了国际好影响?何乐而不为呢?奈何出钱而不为啊。

  29. 呵呵,did you notice that, I didn’t say there is no explanation or analysis. I just said “more than to explain and analyze it accurately”.

    Anyway, I will keep higher standard, even if not every post should follow a “scholarly” standard. Thanks.

  30. 我不能同意你认为我轻视了unray的回复的重要性。按照传播政治经济学的视角,相对于从“文化角度”,从“经济角度”说明问题恰是非常重要和根本的,是你所谓的”structurally determined”。

    没错,这条评论确实给出了一个实例,即这种M&M现象有其结构性的成因;但同时从本文其他评论,你也可以看到,包括电视剧、世博会中,照样在侵权使用音乐,这些是”interntional selecting”的例子——尽管我仍没有实证表明,但我在此猜想,它们并非是由于缺乏经费。



  31. 原来我没什么感觉,自从CCAV专门做过一个片子批判魔兽世界之后,我经常会很过敏的发现,某个节目,这个某节目实在涵括很广的范围,从新闻到谈话节目到科技节目….




  32. 是啊 央台还有一个宝物鉴定的节目,每次参加者的东西被鉴定为真的时候就一定会播同一段来自仙剑的游戏配乐,大概是某村庄的主题音乐。我妈每次看那节目我就被迫听那段音乐好多次。我多次愤慨地告诉我妈那是抄袭,她都没有反应。或许就是因为像我们这样在乎配乐出处的人太少了,央台才敢再三如此吧!我很好奇,负责配乐的人是否都了解配乐的出处,还是不问出处就随便拿来用?偌大央台,处处抄袭……悲剧啊,悲剧。

  33. 听你说之后,我都觉得情何以堪。节目编导一定是魔兽玩家了,不过就这么抄过来,有点对不起暴雪呀。

  34. 请问这位 您看到的头条新闻用的是否以香港歌曲为主?我也看过那节目,它经常在播歌时打出歌词,配上当天要讲的新闻。我猜如果是港产歌曲,事先征得版权同意就比较容易了。PS 头条新闻在广州这边经常被河蟹。

  35. 非营利性机构的使用,按照版权法其实也有侵权嫌疑,不过大家比较容易理解和宽容一些。至于CCTV,实在和非营利性靠不上呀。

  36. 那个是歌曲创作者剽窃,和本文说的现象不太一样哦。

  37. 唉,刚才我把您这文的内容跟我妈一说,我妈很不以为然地说,在偌大一个中国,建设中发展中的中国,这点细枝末节的事情,算得了什么?你要看好的方面!

  38. maomy说的文化角度观点我很赞同。但是某个类型音乐的过分使用是否是个人审美的范畴?比如你不喜欢煽情音乐,但是你怎么知道受众到底跟你观点是否一致?媒体也有媒体的相互竞争,我是做广播的,如何能在旋钮扭动的瞬间抓住听众的耳朵才是关键。抛开版权的问题,在快速制作的前提下,能够使用“感情变化丰富的音乐”当然是首选,而能找到的达到这个要求的我想大部分都是电影配乐吧。 是否现在过分使用,我想还是在特定的语境下才使用这类型的音乐吧。不过也说回来,现在从事这个岗位的大部分人音乐审美确实很贫乏,专业也更谈不上了。

  39. 不过从您身上可以看到,新一代的观念也已经发生了转变,这就是变化的基础。

  40. now you are just being defensive…it’s apparent in your sentence “As a blog entry…” the “more than” is grammatically referring to “as a blog entry, this [is] post[ed] in order to describe a phenomenon.”

    Anyway, I don’t want to be picky but this time it’s the author himself being picky – incorrectly picky.

    I’m not sure what kind of textual analysis you are performing (this is referring your reply on the other comment-thread). I don’t seem to be able to tell…can you give me some references on the kind of theory that direct your analysis? this might help me to get a sense of what you are trying to get at.

    As for “scholarly standards” I don’t mean that you should treat your blog as your professional work. But because you present yourself in the overall presentation of the blog as an expert, it comes with a lot of authority (your authority in making knowledge claims). I think being aware of this authority is an essential part of being a responsible public intellectual.

    Mere critique is cheap. what shines through critique, I tend to think, ought to be the clarity and merit in your arguments, not simply position-making for the sake of it. I would enjoy more posts from you that’s either more factual (such as your other posts so far) or principled, theory-explicit critique. This post seems to me half-factual and half-theory. One might even entertain the hypothesis that this is why you get the kind of fact checking comments such as those from Unray, and many of the simply troping and position-following comments from the rest. I don’t think this kind of pattern make you a better public intellectual, make blog-followers and fact seeker like me more desirable in following your blog, or creating an educated and informed audience-ship. all the best.

  41. I have to say, the inquirer above seems to be too critical, especially considering this is a blog post, a casual writing to share ideas.

    I would like to read an essay by the inquirer if he/she is willing to elaborate his/her ideas.

