
十年前的四月五日,Kurt Cobain在西雅图自家寓所用猎枪打爆了自己的头。三天以后他的死讯震动了世界。Nirvana的名字也因此从巨星的阵营步上神坛。

Cobain死了十年了。他的尸骨已然散做尘埃,但他的名字却响亮如昨——尽管他对此深恶痛绝,甚至随便拼写自己的名字,希望大家喜欢的是他的音乐而不是“Kurt Cobain”的音乐。

他那个大嘴巴的、名叫“爱”的老婆依然带着他的小女儿活着。她出版他生前的日记,和nirvana的鼓手争夺某未发表歌曲的版权,去年圣诞的时候好象还在某个party上喝得烂醉后全裸地连滚带爬并被刊登在rolling stone也不是什么杂志上。

The most violating thing I’ve felt this year is not the media exaggerations or the catty gossip, but the rape of my personal thoughts. Ripped out of pages from my stay in hospitals and airplane rides hotel stays etc. I feel compelled to say f— you F— you to those of you who have absolutely no regard for me as a person. You have raped me harder than you’ll ever know




走过的人说树枝在长”(墓床 1986)


我 觉得他至少是个“纯粹”的人,还是个天才的人。他从烂泥里生长出来,但是也逃不掉成为“美国梦”的某个版本而被人崇拜、同样化为烂泥的宿命。他抗争咒骂社 会体制的声音却只有借助体制才能传达到他人耳中并且被体制娴熟地转化为培育体制本身的养分,金钱和利润,直到他死掉十年后仍然滋养着资本主义。


“I like punk rock. I like girls with weird eyes. I like drugs. (But my body and mind won’t allow me to take them). I like passion. I like playing my cards wrong. I like vinyl. I like to feel guilty for being a white, American male. I love to sleep. I like to taunt small, barking dogs in parked cars. I like to make people feel happy and superior in their reaction towards my appearance. I like to have strong opinions with nothing to back them up with besides my primal sincerity. I like sincerity. I lack sincerity.”


最早听到的是他们的unplugged in New York,是1997年的时候。然后就不可避免的像所有那个年纪的人一样喜欢他们。同时又看了那本《灿烂涅槃》的传记。其后开始上网搜集其他的mp3……



村 上说,无人不是向死而生,又或死亡作为生之对立面而永存。村上或者他这种风格可能会被Cobain看作比较操蛋的那种(当然不至于最操蛋),但这句话 Cobain可能也难否认甚至会喜欢。好吧,Cobain先死了,我们,这些不死的人,俗人,留下来面对这尘埃纷乱、五色迷离的世界。

我们无法抵御诱惑,我们在世俗力量前绝望或者欣喜若狂地屈服,我们塑造世界每一天的样子,我们被世界raped, raped again and again.


Smells Like Teen Spirit

Load up on guns and bring your friends
It’s fun to lose and to pretend
She’s over bored and self assured
Oh no, I know a dirty word

Hello, hello, hello, how low?

I’m worse at what I do best
And for this gift I feel blessed
Our little group has always been (tribe)
And always will until the end

Hello, hello, hello, how low?

And I forget just why I taste
Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile
I found it hard, it was hard to find
Oh well, whatever, nevermind

hello, hello, hello, how low?

With the lights out it’s less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My Libido
Yay, a denial

