布达佩斯的阳光(SUN)学术之旅——CEU Summer University

明日一早,我们即将从伦敦飞往匈牙利布达佩斯,参加中欧大学(Central European University, CEU)暑期大学(CEU Summer University, SUN——这一缩写来自其官方网站)系列课程中的“媒体,民主与公民社会”(Media, Democratization and Civil Society),进行为期两周的紧张学习。


而我们要参加的“Media, Democratization and Civil Society”,与我们的学术兴趣非常密切相关。从CEU的e-learning网站上可以看到介绍:

The main purpose of the course will be to examine the interconnections between media, democratization and civil society. It will focus on the Central/Eastern European region, but will also be relevant in other contexts where media and civil society have played crucial roles in processes of democratization but where the deficiencies and shortcomings are also clearly visible. This course will examine the role of non-governmental organizations and individuals in the process of democracy building and sustainability, and address the complex negotiation around privatization and liberalization. In doing so, this course will consider what kind of enabling environment is necessary for media democracy, and what is the role and potential for civil society intervention in the development of such an environment.

The first week of the course will set the foundations by examining theories of democratization and civil society, and introducing the environment of transition countries. The second week will focus on particular areas such as public service broadcasting, community media and media ownership,and it will leave sufficient space for student presentations and for individual work on student papers. It will include debates with representatives of media and civil society organizations such as the South East European Network for Professionalization of Media (SEENPM), and it will offer field trips to independent media organizations like Budapest-based community radios and multimedia centers.

这门课程将于6月16日-27日在布达佩斯进行,由美国宾夕法尼亚大学安娜堡传播学院(Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania)和匈牙利中欧大学媒介传播研究中心(Center for Media and Communication Studies, CEU)合办。

sun ceu 我们幸运地申请到了含免除学费、报销住宿和往返机票的全额奖学金。该奖学金由欧洲科学基金会(the European
Science Foundation )支持的COST(European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research)项目资助。

旁边这几行字,是匈牙利前文化部长Andras Torok的笔迹。“你是否曾想过要来品尝一番布达佩斯的滋味,同时进行两周的学术活动?”——嗯,布达佩斯,我们来了。




《 “布达佩斯的阳光(SUN)学术之旅——CEU Summer University” 》 有 9 条评论

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  3. hi, having read several of your articles and I am major in communication too. would you like to send me your email?

  4. 早收到你们从布达佩斯寄来的明信片啦,很漂亮!

  5. 多写一点啊,最近更新少了.回国后就没这么多好逸情好灵感了.呵呵.问好

  6. 我们一切都好。我们在这次欧洲诸国的游历中,时常会想到你,不论是参观那些宏伟的教堂,还是浏览充满创意的小店之时。建议在百忙的工作中,抽点时间,带着夫人和儿子,到欧洲来走走,一定会有收获的!

    北京很热,please be cool~

  7. 多谢正鹏兄关心和鼓励。更新少了,一方面是因为有不少日子在外游荡,回到家中头脑和身体都不想多动;另一方面,想写的东西太多,反而有点不知从何开始。



